About US

The story of One 11 Art, One11 Energy Healing & One 11 Foundation began as a compelling dream by

Founder Suzanne Elizabeth Orr.

It was all about experiencing more Creativity, Beauty and Self Emergence …
Creative PROFESSIONAL SPACE, where synergy of talent & service offerings produce connections & meaningful cross pollination.

It was the mid 2000′s, as an Artist, Realtor/Contractor, Reiki Master, Minister and Peace Corps Alumnus, Suzanne had completed many residential rehabs that inspired her to find a commercial building and help it achieve its highest and best use. Being an artist, she also hoped for a building that could also be used as a place to support CREATIVE interaction with others – a place that would inspire everyone who came through its doors to exercise and reveal more of their inherent artistic gifts. It would be a Visual Arts Center that would offer connection to more self-discovery by way of diverse trans-personal venues.

Suzanne launched into finding a site, then finally in late 2006, she found THE Building. It was 111 Pennsylvania Avenue in Norfolk, Virginia. Even though it was boarded up, it caught her eye because it was also across the street from the historic Riverview Theater. But there was one problem: her letters of inquiry mailed to the owner kept being returned. For several months, unrelentingly, Suzanne focused on unraveling this mystery of locating the owner. THE big break happened when a new, correct forwarding address finally appeared on a returned mail item. Then the purchase went amazingly fast and boy, oh boy, did the Journey of a Thousand Steps then begin!

After the purchase, it took a year of planning, zoning changes and construction bumps, hiccups and frequent second guessing before completion. Rehab finished on time to slide in for the pretty cool soft opening date of 1-11-2008. The first exhibit was a special Tidewater Art Alliance (TAA) Fine Arts Show titled “Dare to Dream“. The late Ishina Feld, then TAA President, named the show in honor of the inspired beginning of One 11 Art. Her great advocacy and friendship during the whole start-up process was an incredible personal blessing and will never be forgotten.

Since becoming a creative visual arts forum from our start in 2008 we have hosted not only many gallery fine art exhibitions, but also classes, events, lectures, and workshops. We even became the host site for civic and business meetings, MFA student art shows, wakes, weddings, and birthday events. – And we are home to working studios for many talented two- dimensional artists’ and exceptional Healing & Massage Therapy service practitioners.

Because We HAVE GROWN, we aim to expand our impact on the collective local, state, national and international community, and we will also be home to One 11 Foundation. It is our continued honor to offer TIME AND SPACE for the Visual Arts, Working Artists, Transpersonal Programing & other Creative Outreach Services. Our priority is to expand more possibilities in order to:


It’s important to acknowledge, that way before the building rehab finish line, Suzanne received a very significant contribution of support from two very special neighbors at that time- Betsy & Jack Kennedy. It started with a simple vote of confidence in Suzanne’s site development Vision; first by fellow Tidewater Art Alliance (TAA) artist Betsy Rivers-Kennedy, then by her retired architect husband Jack Kennedy. As of October 2020, our Beloved Betsy is now Honored as Studio Member Eternal.

In support of One 11 Art and its new Foundation, they have, in so many ways, supported us with their tireless efforts, influence and financial donations. The ways they have helped are too numerous to even enumerate.
In August 2013, as a gesture to honor their friendship and contributions to the journey of One 11 Art Gallery and the One 11 Foundation, we recognize and show our gratitude for all their important contributions within our community, by naming the art gallery space in their honor as…

Thank you for reading ABOUT our Journey


Experience ~ Learn ~ Grow